The Hall of Justice Wall Of Love

Our Sponsors

Washing the glowing green rock dust off the flying guys cape isn’t cheap. We are funded solely through sponsorships and donations. Our sponsors help us cover costs, raise funds for charities, make public appearances and otherwise support us in our core mission of bringing cheer and helping those in need. They help us make what we do possible with their generous donations of time, space and funding.

If you would like to be a Justice League of WNY Sponsor, please Contact Us today!

Bob Hubbard, Cosplay Photographer
Bob Hubbard, Cosplay Photographer
Bob Hubbard, Cosplay Photographer
Kentropolis Internet
Buffalo Comicon
Kentropolis Internet
Gutter Pop Comics
Network Title Agency of New York
Bob Hubbard, Cosplay Photographer
Bob Hubbard, Cosplay Photographer
Dread Pirate Harry Quinn Cosplay
SH Cosplay


The Saperston Family Foundation Trust

Marco & Kirsten Bryce, The Chip Charitable Foundation

Carol J. Adragna Family Foundation


Buffalo Comicon

Our Supporters and Friends

Our supporters and friends include a number of local businesses, artists, and professionals as well as other fan groups, clubs and organizations. All help support us in our core mission of bringing cheer and helping those in need.

If you would like to be a Justice League of WNY Supporter, please Contact Us today!


Some of our friends who are helping us get the word out and help the community. Want to help us out? Let us know!