Justice League of WNY
Harassment Policy
The Justice League of WNY has a Zero Tolerance policy towards harassment. Harassment is any behavior that annoys other persons, aggravates them, or makes them feel unsafe. This includes but is not limited to:
- Unwanted or threatening physical contact,
- Unwanted or threatening verbal contact,
- Following someone in a public area without a legitimate reason, and
- Threatening physical harm in any way.
- Cosplay is Not Consent.
JLWNY will not tolerate the practice of sexual misconduct or sexual harassment by any of its members. This includes unwelcome conduct that violates applicable local laws concerning sexual harassment and inappropriate conduct of a sexual nature. - JLWNY does not tolerate discrimination in any form — including through cosplay — based on but not limited to gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, or physical/mental health conditions.
- If you are being bothered or are uncomfortable with someone’s actions toward you, communicate any one of these messages:
- “No.” No means no.
- “Please stop.” Stop means stop.
- “Please go away.” Go away means go away.
If someone won’t follow or doesn’t understand these simple rules, contact a member of our Steering Board, or if at a convention or event, ask any convention/event staff member to do so on your behalf.
- All members of this group have the right to not join in activities that cause them any form of discomfort and to speak out if they feel harassed or unsafe.
- Offenders may lose their membership and be asked to leave the event. The matter may be referred to law enforcement authorities.
- Treat people as you’d want others to treat your sister or brother.
- Complaints will be taken very seriously.
- We reserve the right to revoke a membership at our discretion at any time.
(*Text borrowed heavily from WorldCon & Comic-Con Policies)
Justice League of WNY, Harassment Policy, Version 1
Adopted 07/18/2018